Sunday, February 21, 2016

Araba: The Man, The Institution by Chief Yemi Elebuibon

Araba: The Man, The Institution by Chief Yemi Elebuibon

Every town and kingdom of Yorubaland must have a head figure in each sect of the traditional spirituality or religion. These people are the leaders and are regarded as the most senior member of each society. They can't do it all alone, so they have their support system which comprises other important members of the society. For example, The Oluawo which is common in every town and kingdoms in Yoruba land, Oluawo is the king of all the priests (Olu means king and Awo means pries) this is also known as Araba in some other kingdoms.

Araba, a title whose meaning was explained as silk cotton tree (Ceibapentandra. Araba bab Iti (Araba father of trees), Aaje is high priest of Obatala priests and it's referred to Ajoriwin in Ogbomoso. It is called Ajagemo in Ede.

Today, Araba is the archbishop as Yoruba adages says Araba ni n b'Obaselu, it is the Araba that administrates the Kingdom for the King.

Araba's importance in a kingdom or city are very numerous. In Kingdoms like Osogbo, the Araba oversees the weekly and annual spiritual rites in the kingdom. On every weekday of Ifa known as ojo-ose, a weekly offering of kolanuts to the grand Ikin Ifa (Agbaluu) are observed and the king himself have his own personal Ikin Ifa which will also be propitiated. Ojugbona of the kingdom brings kola nuts to the Araba from the palace. Both will then invoke and make prayers for the city's citizen and occupants, monarch and chiefs.

On the day of Itadogun (seventeenday official big week, as usual Aragba and Ojugbona will split kolanut after invocation and prayers for the king and all inhabitants of Osogbo. In any
case of special message, it will relay to the king. This ceremony takes place at the city's central Ifa Temple, Idinleke Temple. The meeting commences after the Ifa rites and the dining of the Ifa priests have been observed. The host priest provides the food and drinks and this responsibility is bring rotated on hierarchy basis.

The weekly service of songs and prayers are held at the temple where all members of the Idenleke Temple assemble. The weekly sermons are taken from Odu Ifa to educate and to teach moral to all and sundry. Arabe will make prayers to all, state, local government, kings, chiefs and all citizens. It is the Araba who lead the awo in annual Ifa celebration for the king and all inhabitants of Osogbo.

The annual ceremony begins with the clearing of the city's Ifa grove. A place where initiation ceremony usually take place. Chiefs present their kolanut and offerings are being made in the grove. They will all dance with music and song to pay homage at Obaluaye shrine to prevent small pox epidemic outbreak in Osogbo. From there they will proceed to the Oyekomi house to have lunch while they will all procession with music and dance to the kings palace.  The king will be seated and the Akoda Awo will represent Araba in making prayers for the king and the whole city. The king will respond by making prayers for
everyone and he will also appreciate the efforts of the Ifa Priests and devotees for the proper maintenance and smooth running of the city. All the Babalawos will dance fro the King's palace to the Araba's house, the Araba will meet the Babalawos at the entrance of his house, dance and pray for all. The Araba will also provide the food and drinks.

The following week, all Babalawo will assemble at the house of the Araba who will lead them with music and dance to the present King's family house where the grand IkinIfa will be officially cleansed and reactivated. The Oloris (Queens),Iya Osun, Arugba (Osun Votary) will dance from the King's family house to the Kings palace. Chief Priest Ojugbona will invoke 16 odus and offering with be given to IkinIfa after which they will all dance back to the palace this include all Ifa priest and Queen (Oloris). Araba will lead the prayers for the king and all inhabitants in the evening at King Family's house where there will be waking recitation of oduifa. Making prayers for the king, the city and all sundry, each odu with songs and dance til day break.

In the morning, Araba will lead the Babalawo to the palace with music and dance. The kingmakers, chiefs and king himself awaited the arrival of Araba. There use to be special salutation hereby Araba led his chief to greet chiefs for three times. Asunyere will lead by omoawos pay homage at Ogun shrine and come back to Olowo Asingba a spot where Ogun Ojaluwas buried.

The kingmakers and chiefs will dance fromtheir own domain to the palace awaiting for Araba and chiefs. Araba will ead all the Babalow to the palace making prayers for the king, chiefs and whole inhabitants. Baale Asnyere (The head of all Ifa poetry chanters) will now lead and control the chanting of Ifa poetry, music and dance. He invites everyone to come to
the arena and sing and to dance. After the ritual and prayers (bibo-ese-Iyere). Araba and all Babalawo will dance to the Araba's house where food and drinks will be served.

The ceremony will be concluded by Ifa diniation and sacrifice until next year when the process will take its course all over again. Abytime there is unrest, drought, famine or any natural or human-caused catastrophe in the kingdom, Araba will be asked to assemble all other Babalawo to divine and perform propitiation to calm the situation. Hence the saying “Araba ni n b'Obaselu'” meaning Araba is the one that administrate the kingdom for the Monarch.


Araba: The most senior Ifa priest being superior in rank , to Akoda, Aseda, ext. Ceibapantandra, Bomacaise white silk cotton tree, it is the largest African tree,
reaches 100-120 feet in height with diameter of 4 to 6 feet.

Oluawo: Head of all Ifa priest in a place where they don't have Araba. Oluawo is equal to
Araba (Olu means the King and Awo means priests).

Oluwo: Is another name for master diviner. Oluwo is also a title at Ogboni Temple but it
is simply called a master a house of Ifa.

Aaje: high priest of Obatala. At Ede they are called Ajagemo. White in Ogbomoso they are called Ajoriwin.

Ojo Ose: The weekly ceremony of Ifa. It is important to note each divinities Orisa use to
have their own weekly observations. For example, following day of Ifa is Ogun
weekday, after that is known as Jakuta (Sango) weed day followed by Obatala
weekday, other Orisa share the day among others. For more information see Yoruba Kalendar by Ifayemi Elebuibon.

Ikin Ifa Agbaluu: the sacred nuts of Ifa for the whole city

Ikin: Sacred nuts of Ifa. They are 3-eyed, 4-eyed, 5 or more

Ojugbona: Chief priest, representation of all Babalawo. He carries out messages for
Araba and other chiefs.

Itadogun: Seventeen day ceremony The day all Ifa priest observe the perform
riturals, prayers and meeting among other devotee.

Iinileke The name of Odu that found city of Osogbo

Ogun Ojalu: War prevention, a place where they buried an item that prevent war to enter the city of Osogbo.

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